Helping The Next Gen Win

Every generation has another one following it. Do you have a responsibility to help the next generation win?

A Standard For Living - Sep 24, 2017

John Woodall

The Greatest Generation. Baby Boomers. Generation X. Millennials. Generation Z. Each generation is distinct from those that came before and those that come after. They have different priorities and different experiences. They see the world differently. It’s easy for the generations to live in conflict and competition. But what is our responsibility to the generations that come after us?

Generation iY - Oct 1, 2017

Clay Scroggins & Tim Elmore

This generation is the first that doesn’t need adults for information. But they do need adults for interpretation. What can we do to help the next generation to see the world in a way that sets them up for success? Join Clay Scroggins and Tim Elmore as they have a conversation about how we can help the next gen win.

Show Up - Oct 8, 2017

Reggie Joiner

Think about the people who have made a difference in your life. Don’t you want to do that for the next generation? There’s an easy first step.