Be Rich 2019
Have you ever wanted to make a difference . . . like, a big one? Well, here's your chance! And we've made it as simple as we know how.
Now or Never - Nov 3, 2019
Andy Stanley
Chances are good that if you’re reading this, you’re in the 1% club. By international standards, you’re rich! Of course, you may not feel rich, but the truth is it’s time to start giving while you’re living because what you’re holding is molding! This month we’re going to encourage each other to Be Rich by being extravagantly generous. After all, our extravagant generosity toward others is the most appropriate response to God’s extravagant generosity toward us.
The Next Right Thing - Nov 17, 2019
Kurt Kandler
We’re all called to do good for other people. You want to make a difference, but you don’t know how. Maybe it’s an issue of time… Or money… Or maybe you just don’t feel qualified or equipped. So what DO you do…? Kurt Kandler will share his walk of obedience and the impact The 410 Bridge has made by simply doing the next right thing.
God Is Love - Nov 24, 2019
Danielle Strickland
Maybe the most simple thing we’ve ever learned about God is also the most complex: God is love. It’s a hard truth for us to understand because we’re influenced by so many other views of him. So how does it work exactly? And what do we do with that transforming love once we recognize it?